DHS-DDS-TBI-1:Traumatic Brain Injury Fund Application (v1)


INSTRUCTIONS: Complete the application below and sign it to be considered for eligibility to the Traumatic Brain Injury Fund. All required fields must be completed before the application can be submitted. Additionally, once you have submitted your application, your healthcare provider will automatically be emailed the Medical Form to complete and sign. Once your completed application is received, it will be reviewed and you will be notified of your eligibility. You may contact the TBI Fund at 1-888-285-3036, prompt #1 for questions or assistance with completing the application. Please note: Power of Attorney and legal guardians should include paperwork to verify such status at the time of the application.

Items in * are required fields. 


Applicant Information

Upload one of the documents from a list below
Preferred Method of Communication
Is someone filling this form out on your behalf?

Applicant Demographic Information

Own or Rent?

Medical Information

Financial Information

Have you received a settlement or civil judgment made in connection to your TBI?
Are there any pending claims such as, lawsuits, divorce settlements, inheritance, accident claims, medical malpractice, or other claims? 
Do you have liquid assets $100,000 or more?
“Liquid assets” are assets that are convertible to cash within 30 days. Liquid assets for the applicant or his or her immediate family include checking and savings accounts, stocks, bonds, treasury notes, and similar instruments. The home where the Applicant lives, vehicles, and personal property are not considered liquid assets. For applicants 18 years or younger, liquid assets of the parent(s)/guardian(s) will be considered. Individual and jointly held assets of married couples will be considered. "Immediate family" is defined as: Biological or adoptive parent(s) or other persons who have been legally determined to be financially responsible for an applicant/beneficiary who is under the age of 18 or Persons who have been legally determined to be financially responsible for an applicant/beneficiary who is over the age of 18, including a legally recognized partner.
Additional saving account
Additional checking account
Do you receive Direct Express?
Do you own or have interest in whole or in part, any properties other than your primary residence (including but not limited to other homes, land, and buildings)?

Health Insurance Information

Do you have health insurance?
Type of insurance

Services Information

Are you currently enrolled or applying for any of these program(s)?
By signing below, I certify that the information provided is true, correct and complete to the best of my knowledge. I also certify that I have read and understand my responsibilities under this Fund.

For Office Use Only:
Was this information entered in manually by a DDS employee on behalf of the applicant?

Note: All attachments combined size should be less than 30MB.
If you are facing any issues submitting this application online, please contact the NJ TBI Fund at DHSCO.DDS-TBIFund@dhs.nj.gov or call 1-888-285-3036.